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Industrial cleaning agent r & D engineer

Enlarge Font  Narrow Font Posted on : 2021-08-25     Hits : 102    
Industry Latest recruitment Position Latest recruitment
Department Vacancy A few
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Gender 性别 Marriage 婚姻
Education 学历 Experience None
Age All Salary Negotiable
Updated 2021-08-25 Valid until Never Expire
Job responsibilities: 1. Carry out experiments, complete new product development or existing product formula optimization and improvement; 2. Drafted project approval and final report documents, summarized relevant experimental data documents; 3. Regularly back up the electronic version of the experimental data and documents related to the R&D project; 4. Assist R&D supervisor to make annual or quarterly R&D project plan; 5. Completed temporary tasks assigned by superiors. 1. Familiar with basic chemical experimental equipment, understand the basic operation of relevant R&D experimental equipment; 2. Familiar with organic and inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry and other related chemistry knowledge and basic laboratory knowledge; 4. Proficient in Office software and related data processing software; Master degree or above, major in chemistry, CET 6 is preferred; 6. Working experience in MWFs, metal materials and tribology is preferred.
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